About Us

Our main focus is preserving the incredible Ragdoll Breed, while matching families with healthy, loving and beautiful purebred Ragdoll kittens along the way!

Yorkie Puppies Farm

Yorkie Puppies Farm is a home-based family business that specializes in luxury, purebred Yorkshire Terrier. We have proudly provided many homes with furry bundles of love for more many years now. As you browse through our website, you will be able to find and even reserve cute and charming puppies.

Your furry friend is unique from day one, as our breeders carefully pick perfectly matching cats for mating. By mating the best puppies, the litter is absolutely exclusive. We breed our puppies in a warm domestic atmosphere, trying to teach them to be kind and loving. They are kept healthy by being fed natural vitamin-filled meals.

They are also well trained since they use litter boxes and scratching posts at the earliest possible age. As soon as they are 10 weeks old, puppies receive vaccinations and are ready to move to a new home and become a part of a loving family. We are delighted to choose and bring your new available puppies to you and help them get accustomed to a new family.

We are also glad to advise our customers on all matters. The main aim of our company is to take care of our furry friends by matching them with a perfectly loving home. We pride ourselves in finding the best cats for our clients in the most hassle-free way possible.

Here at Yorkie Puppies Farm we have executed everything possible to make sure your new furever puppy is healthy and happy when he or she is going to their new home! We would love to guarantee against all forces of nature and manner of illness, unfortunately that can’t always happen and sometimes “Life” interferes. Our comprehensive health guarantee has you covered if a health issue should arise. You can be comfortable. knowing that we have health check points that we follow closely to ensure a healthy and happy puppy! When making a choice to bring your new puppy into your home, you (the buyer) are going to need to make a financial commitment to providing your new puppy with all of the essentials they will require. This includes frequent veterinarian visits to keep your puppy up to date on all vaccinations.